That was a good celebration. Now what…?

Yesterday was, uh, really good.

OK, it started with the destruction of a 21-year record; I woke up with a hangover, which was a new and broadly foul experience – turns out I’m fine drinking borderline silly quantities of beer, wine, Black Mountain, Mead, Cider, etc…. Give me a quater of a bottle of 1999 Moet & Chandon, on the other hand, and I wake up with a headache. What a cruel world…

On the other hand, some tea and Anadin fixed me up after a couple of hours, and in the evening I headed over to Oxford to meet up with Ruth and see what could be done in terms of celebrating.

“What could be done” transpired to be LaserQuest (I blame this entirely on LaserQuest getting features in Sunday’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, causing Ruth to say “LaserQuest! That’s what we need to do!” and then spend the rest of the week finding somewhere.

But, yeah, it was good fun. Much better than the thoroughly naff place in Stafford (which, keeen to fit in with everthing else in Staffordshire, was a bit rubbish) – if you look at this map, and turn it upside down, (ie, rotate it 90 degrees twice, not just flip it) then that was the map…

…And, yeah. We had two, er, interesting games. As we queued up we espied a group of smallish children ahead of us, accompanied by a parentish dude. And boy did the little buggers whip us.

We didn’t, y’see, prepare for any species of tactics from the kids, merely anticipating them running about like scattered easy prey. Fat chance. Firstly, they’d been there before, and knew the course, which we didn’t. Secondly they worked as a group, giving each other cover all the time and yelling things like “Help me over here!” and “I’ve found one!” Clever little sods…

…Out of nine, Ruth came fifth, and I was seventh. That was fairly humiliating.

The second game, however, we did much better, since we knew what we were doing by then. We teamed up with the parental dude against the kiddies, (no strict teams, they were both FFA matches) and we knew both the way round and that the kids weren’t too bad. At one lovely point, Ruth & I were basically pinned down in the red base by about four of ’em, and we held them off for a good few minutes, mincing them all the time – strangely they didn’t send someone round the side to knock us offline… not so clever with the tactics now, huh? …

…I almost wish we weren’t so proud of that…

…Also, by then, three other guys had turned up, and they just had no tactics whatsoever. So the second game we did really well and out of twelve, Ruth came third and I came second. And the kid calling himself “TTTUUPPPP” won both of the games, so that was really quite cool.

Then we all headed our seperate ways (with the parent-ish guy saying “See you next week,” which was cool) and Ruth & I went for tapas, which I’ve no had before, but which is amazingly nice, and we had a really friendly waiter dude, which was cool. So, aye, that was yesterday. All much rockingness.

And now it’s the weekend, hooray!

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